Food item: Wendy's Grilled Chicken Wrap
Categories had to be created in order to review the Wendy's Grilled Chicken Wrap. This is not unlike the Oscars or the Grammys and so if THEY can do it, this BLOG can do it.
The review:
+Affordability- 5/5- The Wendy's Grilled Chicken Wrap was priced at $1.49 at my local Wendy's and was sold WITHOUT sales tax- EXCELLENT. This was the best thing about the wrap, since it was a nice lunch portion. At dinner, I would recommend 2.
+Flavor- 3.5/5- The chicken wrap did not taste BADLY, however, it will not be a flavor to remember. There were no surprises here- cheese & grilled chicken with iceburg lettuce inside a tortilla the size of a toilet seat lid. Some hot sauce/salsa/peppers/onions could have helped here. There was a hint of terayaki, but it did not rise to the occasion.
+Texture- 3.5/5- Again, no surprises. The wrap could have used a crouton or two for some crunch! Or, maybe a couple pine nuts.
+Overall- I'm going to give the wrap 4/5...romaine lettuce or some other variety could help this item immensely.
The favorable rating is based mainly on the Affordability category.
I suggest you add a Taco Tico review since you are in the LEX
Very delicious!
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