Maybe Next Year
It's over. The hopes for an 0-16 Bengalberry season were ruined today by a Bengalberry victory over the Jacksonville Jaguars. An 0-16 season could have opened the door to the conclusion amongst the general population that Cincinnati needs a Bengalberryectomy. The conclusion that those of us on the "fringe" have already, and rightly, reached.
Thanks Jacksonville, you have crushed the dream.
The morons who purchase the Bengalberry tickets/gear are reveling. They believe something glorious has happened, that some great accomplishment has occurred. All over the riverfront today, they could be seen hootin and hollerin in their ridiculous ($$$) apparel, oblivious to fact that they have been swindled.
They do not represent the true Cincinnatian, who laments the swindle, who wishes it could be undone and who so desperately desires to see the franchise moved to Los Angeles.
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