Sunday, April 20, 2008


The letters "BS" can stand for many things. But, for the purpose of this blog entry, the letters stand for:

Bariatric Surgery


This evening, 60minutes ran as usual. The program's 2nd story was with regard to how great! BS is. Dissenting opinion during the piece was minimal at best- limited to one doctor who made the statement that, "Most BS patients go from being obese to simply overweight."

After that, it was on with the fluff: BS can cure Diabetes! BS can cure most types of cancer! BS is what you want! Just can't get enough of that BS!

To top it all off, after the piece ended, CBS ran a commercial for Kentucky Fried Chicken. The commercial firmly cemented the fundamental concepts of BS for all viewers. Across this great nation of consumption, sedentarians simultaneously reached for a bag of pork rinds as they reached a bag of BS conclusions. Those conclusions are postulated here:

+Cease/Do not aspire to any sort of workout routine
+Establish/continue a couch potato/suburban lifestyle
+Start/continue eating copious amounts of "gas station" food

These three simple steps will have viewers on the road to obesity quickly. They will become eligible for BS! And after the BS on 60minutes about the BS, they can reach a level of BS never before imagined. Hallelujah BS!

Why be surprised by this? 60minutes is a TV show after all...and TV is critical to a sedentarian's BS logic.

Achieving this level of BS is somewhat akin to becoming a deity.


Thank you, Leslie Stahl, for laying all this BS out there for the Sheeple (Bengalberry and otherwise) of the United States of Dumerica. You've justified our "culture".

At best, the piece was irresponsible- in actuality, it was BS.


Beach said...


Anonymous said...

almost too observant...