Friday, September 28, 2007

Communique to area Pigeons

Mr. Pigeon Commander- SUCCESS is ours!

Birthright Mikey Brown and Bob Bengalhaus are not happy with your fleet's actions. They are concerned about you and your brethren's "pooping" on Bengalberries at the publicly subsidized stadium.


Mr. Pigeon Commander, we applaud your unit's work, however, Birthright Mikey Brown seeks approval for violence in an effort to eliminate you along with your brethren. By his philosophy, when you poop on Bengalberries he loses money. Crazy, the guy has got plenty of money, but thats beside the point, you, although strange bedfellows with us, have the same objective: poop on Bengalberries. Like yourself, we feel thugs and their followers are not wild about poop in their hair and on their fancy Bengalberry apparel.

Now, here's the plan: Birthright Mikey Brown can trot out and fire his rifles BEFORE the game, however, there's NO WAY he's gonna use em once the Bengalberries begin filing into the Bengalberry stadium (which, by the way, was HEAVILY subsidized by Hamilton County taxpayers- to an intolerable degree).

So, what you do is, fly across the river to KENTUCKY. Take the ENTIRE fleet. We trust you have the hierarchy to communicate this message throughout the pigeon community.

Once you're safely in KENTUCKY, poop on everything you see.

Immediately after kickoff at the Bengalberry stadium, return to the rafters there and resume pooping on Bengalberries (many of which are actually KENTUCKIANS- it just gets weirder).


Your human counterparts