Saturday, April 14, 2007


Dear Uncle Sam,

I got your yearly notification regarding my status in the Social Security program. Thank You, it means so much.

However, I'm concerned about the program. Enough so, that I would rather not participate anymore. No hard feelings Sammy, I'm just not sure its the right direction for my retirement.

So, heres what I was thinking:

+Let me out of the program, like you do your direct employees. I would no longer pay in.
+Keep everything I have sent you to this point. Consider it a gift. You do not need to pay me back interest, principal, or otherwise.

I think the deal is fair. I'm sure you've wisely watched after all that dough I've sent you and that it is growing steadily. Use it for the others, no strings attached!

Remember Sammy, as I've worked for you over the decades, I've become smarter, wiser. I'm controlling more of the details of our little deal- even to the point of doing my own payroll now. So why don't you make this easier on both of us?

Looking forward to seeing you April 15th,
