Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Spellebrex (spellenfiltranitratomoxcylinfan)

I alwaz dreemd of havig my own bloog, but I phelt lik it waz a bad idea 4 me too start a bloog, sence I hav a spulling problum.

Then I talkt too my ductor about Spulebrex. He sed it hulps milyuns of peepl jus lik me an he rote me a prediction.

He sed it wood not hulp with the stoopidty.

Once I started on Spellebrex, I realized I could have a blog! But that wasn't all, I could also send e-mails, write ransom notes, and forge Government forms!

Thanks Spellebrex, you're the best!

All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor, side effects when using Spellebrex. Check with your ductor if any of these COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome when using Spellebrex:

+Eye burning or irritation
+Itching, pain, redness, stinging, or swelling
+General hallucinogenic visions
+Increased SNOT production
+Incessant babbling (however, this is normal in "annoying" patients)
+Incessant blogging
+Incessant ANYTHING

Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur when using Spellebrex:

+Severe allergic reactions (rash/hives/itching/difficulty breathing/swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or ENTIRE HEAD)
+Explosive diarrhea/projectile vomiting
+Projectile diarrhea/explosive vomiting
+Even more herpes
+A specific hallucinogenic vision involving turtles
+An overwhelming sense of panic that the universe is disappearing before you, and that it's your fault
+Suicidal thoughts
+Death (you may need to have your next of kin contact your ductor if this side effect occurs)

Patients who use Spellebrex should not operate machinery or sneeze. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Spellebrex because it will really screw up the baby.