KY rebrands
From a recent speech by Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear:
"Citizens of the Commonwealth, we have got to do something about all these ponies all over the place. We've put the pony on the KY quarter, we've put the pony on the license plates, we've painted pony murals throughout our great commonwealth, we've built the pony park, commissioned statues of ponies, and we have the pony games.
"I mean, let's face it, the derby is only 2minutes long! And it goes down in a one horse town!
"What's next? Are we going to put Mr. Ed on the state flag?
"But seriously, the rest of the country is beginning to think our state IS a one trick pony. So, it's time to pony up and play on some of our other notorieties.
"Therefore, I unilaterally announce the changing of our license plates, beginning in 2009:
"Let freedom ring! If you don't like 2nd hand smoke, don't go out in KY! It's all about freedom!
"Thank you *cough cough* and goodnight."