Tuesday, May 15, 2007


how would an organization, such as the RIAA, monitor my thoughts? clearly, the RIAA, the US Government, and others, desire this type of surveillance and their keys to achieving it are the disciplines of biotechnology and nanotechnology. but, these organizations know they cannot implant tracking devices or brain wave monitoring equipment via public campaign. they know employing biotech to track citizens must be done surreptitiously and covertly.

enter the gastroenterologist. or, alternately, the gastroenterologist will enter you.


according to cancer.org, a gastroenterologist is:

"a doctor who specializes in diseases of the digestive (gastrointestinal) tract"

extending cancer.org's definition: in pursuit of curing these diseases, a gastroenterologist performs varying medical procedures, depending on the pathology detected. specifically, two of these procedures are used in screening the colon-

+flexible sigmoidoscopy &

the screening involves a camera inserted into the patient's rectum by the gastroenterologist.


could you possibly have a polyp? should you get screened via one of these procedures? creating this fear is the first step in the government's biotech surveillance plan.

in fact, gastroenterologists are government operatives of the CIA. the government and other agencies seek to hook you with this fear of disease. they then use gastroenterologists as the vehicle for implanting a nano-tracking device in your colon. and, so you're never aware of what they're actually doing, they put you on drugs like demerol, causing you to become disoriented and to forget the entire procedure. to reinforce their original story, they produce reports from a computer detailing your colon. then, they encourage you to bring in others, friends & loved ones, for screening too. they will not rest until everyone has the "screening" and there are stories of them resorting to abduction of those who do not participate willingly. after all, when you shoot em up with demerol, they're not going to remember the abduction either...

now, with the nano-tracker operating from your colon and unbeknownst to you they will monitor your location. since the nano-tracker also monitors your brainwaves, they can essentially "read your mind" and control you too.

gastroenterologists enable mind control for the US Government. they are now the THOUGHT POLICE... anything they desire is possible. for instance, the IRS will know EXACTLY how much to confiscate from you and you better not fudge a dime on your return...


spotting a resistor is relatively easy, they're usually the ones willing to bend or even break rules. conversely, those members of the public that the gastroenterologists have already gotten to usually exhibit behaviors such as stopping at yellow lights, walking in straight lines, and refusing to "loosen up". when you look into their eyes, it's like nobody's home and they NEVER tell jokes or goof around.

abandon them, they're not worth the trouble...but save yourself and purchase a combination lock for your rectum. DO NOT share the combination with anyone, you wouldn't want it known to someone already compromised.

scrutinize your gastroenterologist carefully before sharing your combination and going in for a screening. heed this warning, it is your only hope.