Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wrigley Field Grounds Crew: Hello!

A classic Wrigley Field moment occurred yesterday:


This was an embedded video of a Major League Baseball play. Why MLB would issue a take down notice to a video on Youtube is a subject of great mystery.

Couldn't it be possible that someone browsing the Internet, or subscribed to a blog, would come across an entry such as this, and think, "Gee that looks fun. I think I'll go to the game in my town tonight."

But no: the insular attitudes at baseball's highest levels have prevailed again. No more MLB on Youtube, and before that, no more free streaming audio of MLB broadcasts, and before that, the ridiculous "home market" blackouts, and on and on.

The clowns in charge of MLB are extremely fortunate that they have the greatest game. No matter how hard they try to screw it up with steroids or the designated hitter, we're allured by the baseball game because of it's intricacies, it's time of year, and it's settings.