Thursday, February 7, 2008

Idiosyncracy 01

A man's smoke detector begins chirping- not like, "Oh No! This place is on fire!" chirping, rather, "Hey, I think something is wrong with my battery" chirping.

Man removes battery and makes note to self, "Pickup 9volt battery next time you're in the sprawl."


A day later, while visiting with a friend, the subject comes up. The friend offers a new, 9volt on the spot. Man accepts 9volt, "What are friends for? Golly!"


Chronological Smoke Detector Battery Replacement Procedure Breakdown:

01 Duracell from counter (left as a reminder) is prepared for disposal
02 Weird deja vu feeling- like 6months ago
03 Duracell thrown in trash, trashcan nearly full, Duracell sinks to bottom
04 Insertion of Everyready provided by friend
05 Chirping continues
06 Duracell must not have been bad
07 Garbage rummaging
08 Yuk coffee grounds
09 Its not that important
10 Note to self, "Pickup smoke detector next time you're in the sprawl."


Anonymous said...

i may have a spare smoke detector lying around the basement... "golly..."