Sunday, March 30, 2008

Career Change

If you know me, then you know I've been working computer/network administration for a looong time. It has been rewarding, challenging, and fun, amongst other things.

But, it has also become mundane and repetitive. I haven't told anyone, but earlier this year, I applied for a position with Feld Entertainment, located in Vienna, VA, after reading this webpage. Feld is primarily known for producing the Ringling Bros. & Barnum and Bailey circus.

Well, Feld accepted my application and has placed me in a position where I will work closely with the pachyderms.

Feld has also assured me that, in my new position with them, I will have no responsibilities with their IT infrastructure. This was a critical piece to the negotiations. I absolutely DO NOT want to have anything to do with computers anymore.

So, thank you to everyone who has supported me in my *former* career. I start with Feld on May 1 with a road trip to Scranton, PA.

I'm joining the circus!


Sarah said...

This sounds a lot like the time you told me there were ghosts in the back room at the office...

Seriously, elephants? Very big poo to scoop. Wouldn't you rather be a trapeze artist?

Jackson said...

There was a ghost back was the "ghost of dumb business decisions".

Anonymous said...

What will you come up with next? I'm sure you'll do great at whatever act the circus wants you to perform - I hope it's not the Sword Thrower act.

Anonymous said...

Okay here is the problem that plan...
Straight off their webpage with my comments added...

You're a talented, hard-working individual(really...hard working...maybe that is a job necessity if you are dealing with elephants). You bring something special to your job (floral and plaid) and naturally, you're looking for something special in return (preferably in the [rated G] category). Well, how about a standing ovation? Or maybe the nervous jitters of thousands of children ( and children, the nervous jitters are from the parents) watching trapeze artists for the first time (i bet you get fired for wagering on how high the trapeze artist would bounce if he fell, betting with the kids)? Or the elated voices of family members recounting circus moments at the dinner table (hey mom remember when we went to that circus and that guy with plaid shorts and a floral shirt [rated G]. Ah you can't get that at Disney World)?